
Australia's Leading Music Education Providers

Take Note Music is a leading Australian music education company, developing classroom music teacher and student resources and offering music teacher training. Incorporating Kodaly and Orff approaches in the curriculum, we aim to support students’ learning through a singing-based program that has been specifically designed to help improve music literacy and promote musical understanding.


We support Elementary, Primary and Middle School teachers by offering a developmental program, designed to foster music literacy whilst ensuring enjoyable, thoughtful and stimulating lessons. Our material broadens students’ understanding of music, promoting joyful, attentive and sensitive young musicians.

We support teachers by providing insightful teacher manuals which offer useful hints, tips, and guides on the sequential development of musical concepts, methodology, course planning overviews, lesson planning and assessments for Kodaly Music Programs.

Take Note Music Authors

Ruth Friend

B. Ed Music
Grad. Dip. Movement and Dance

Davina Mcclure

M. Ed
B. Music Education
Prof. Cert. Positive Education

Ruth Friend and Davina McClure are highly regarded Australian music educators. As leaders in teacher training workshops and Kodaly training courses, Ruth and Davina draw on their wealth of educational experience in Kodaly, Orff, Choral, Movement & Dance and Instrumental Music Education to ensure teachers and students are supported with quality resource materials.


Ruth and Davina have established a number of effective music programs within both Primary and Secondary school settings within Australia. They focus on developing competence in music literacy, theory, music appreciation and experiencing the joy of music for a diverse range of musical abilities. Their ‘hands on’ approach to music education has equipped them to develop readily accessible resources for the classroom which provide for clear understanding and diverse abilities within the classroom context.


Extension activities provide more able students with performance extension around the set written task.

The Take Note Music text books provide a set of thorough, sequential and practical lesson guides for music teachers. The program offers teachers a succinct, step-by-step guide for developing students’ musical understanding and meta-cognition skills with long and short term lesson planning for teachers.

​​Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be more than happy to guide you.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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