The elements of music

The Elements of Music are used to make compositions interesting!

The Take Note Music Listening and Responding Series provides rich learning experiences about the elements of music and how they are used by the composer to create engagement with the listener. 


Our innovative digital resources, below, equip students to recall, understand, interpret, analyse, evaluate and create in response to a composer’s manipulation of the compositional elements of music.


The Compositional Elements (Elements of Music) diagram represents the tools that a composer uses to create interest when composing a musical work. One or more elements will be the focus for each Listening & Responding resource.

Responding to Art Music through listening, movement and the use of visual listening maps & worksheets, builds musical knowledge and appreciation in the music classroom.



Mrs Clef Ebooks 1 & 2

This 2-part eBook series includes music lesson plans focussing on teachable moments and specific topics. Even your older primary students will remember Mrs Clef with affection. She becomes a well-loved digital experience in the lives of your students.

In eBook 1, we begin our story with an invitation to explore Treble Clef Farm. From the very beginning, your students are invited to discover the uniqueness of this new setting. The use of repetitive language and questioning offer the opportunity for students to engage vocally with the teacher as the story is read. Embedded audio files enhance this process.


Encouraging the students to be inquisitive, with phrases such as ‘But was it?’ and ‘Curious don’t you think?’, opens the door to the introduction of the various musical concepts: Treble Clef, Treble Stave, Note names in the treble stave, tuning fork, metronome, traditional folk melodies and opportunities for vocal exploration.

The second book in this series also includes a music lesson plan to outline what to explore in Mrs Clef’s vegetable patch. This book continues to encourage the students to be inquisitive and it opens the door to further learning of musical concepts: Conductor’s Baton, Note Names in the treble stave, traditional folk melodies and opportunities for more vocal exploration.

The Blackline Masters provided are designed for reproduction for use in the music classroom and supported by short music lesson plans for each sheet. They are presented in a sequential order, reinforcing the student learning from each Mrs Clef eBook whilst fostering a deeper understanding of music reading in the treble stave.

Quality classroom music resources created by teachers for teachers

Music Reading - Flashcard Sets

Again, we’ve done the hard work for you! No need to create your own flashcards then spend time and effort guillotining, laminating and guillotining again. With the very best quality laminating pouches and magnets, these fabulously versatile products provide endless opportunities for practice with rhythm, solfa and stave cards. The content relates to the Take Note Music Writing books, but also includes extra patterns for sight reading. 


The flexibility music flashcards offer means teachers can create a short 5 minute music reading segment or a much longer music activity where students are reading, memorising and composing. The lesson possibilities are endless. Music lesson plans are provided in a FREE pdf ‘Flashcard Practice Activities’ below. 

Teaching Tips & Tea Free Videos

When creating your own music lesson plans, you need to consider ways of transitioning from one lesson segment to the next. In the younger years of primary, this may be done with melodic cues.  See Teaching Tips & Tea episode 11 in our website blog.

​In episode 10, we guide you to understand the powerful impact of Dylan Wiliam’s ‘Formative Assessment’ strategies. The activities explained in the music lesson plans in the Music Writing Teacher books are brought to life here for teachers to learn how the ‘Which One?’ activity and ‘Let’s Check’ strategies invite students to show their learning and share their thinking.

Other Resources

Kodaly (KMEIA) Queensland Resources

Musical Beginnings, Step Up with Music and Middle Years Music Education contain a data file and DVD. The data can be printed to provide you with a song file complete with analysis and one-off worksheets.  The DVD is really useful as a window into real life music classrooms where you can see an experienced music teacher directing an activity. This will help you understand ways to scaffold your music lesson plans to ensure success in your classroom.

Lyn Kleiner - Kids Can Listen, Kids Can Move

Lyn Kleiner’s classic creative movement to Art music teacher reference will ensure you have music lesson plans for wonderful musical experiences in your classroom. Formulated for use in pre-school and the early primary years, this amazing teacher reference with CD supports you with music lesson plans to bring delightful movement experiences to life for your younger students.

If you have any questions about the best resources for your classroom,
contact us today.

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